Things Seniors Should Do To Prevent Identity Theft
According to studies more than 1 in 10 seniors will be the victim of identity theft. That’s why seniors need to know what they can to do protect themselves.
Skin Care Expert Recommendations For Elders’ Healthy Skin
According to dermatologists seniors should be doing these things discussed here to make sure their skin stays healthy and radiant.
Our October Raffle Winner
Our October raffle winner was Jennifer Pineda. She was especially lucky because one of our wonderful clients made a hand-crocheted throw to include in the prize.
How To Talk To A Parent About Alzheimer’s Care
Here are some tips and tricks that can help make it easier to have those tough conversations with a senior parent who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
If an Aging Veteran Attempts to Hide Falls, What Can You Do?
As this veteran was aging, he was facing an increasing list of challenges, including health issues and limited mobility. He didn’t know he could qualify for veterans’ home care to help with his struggles.
October – Employee of the Month
Our A-Plus Employee of the Month is Dominique Hayes! Thank you for everything you do Dominique. Our clients are very lucky to have you in their homes.
Common COVID Symptoms Seniors Need To Know About
If seniors start to feel unwell they should know these common symptoms of COVID-19 and watch out for them. Here are some of the common symptoms.
What’s Keeping Your Loved One Up All Night
While your loved one may just think it’s a normal part of getting older, there can be underlying causes that are making a good night’s sleep difficult to attain.
Employee of the Month for September
A-Plus In Home Care would like to announce our employee of the month for September. Meet Ruth Galindo. A-Plus and our clients are very lucky to have Ruth as part of our team.
Steps for Creating a Better Sleep Environment
A good night’s sleep is important for a senior’s body to not only unwind from the day but to also do the repairs and restorations it can only do while they sleep.